2019 is coming to a close - a big year for our growing homestead:
We brought home 4 goats and 2 donkeys, started horseback riding lessons, grew new things, and moved our entire operation (well, we're still in the midst of that one).

Being in the middle of all this change at this time of the year has given me some thoughts...
I still find myself struggling to wrap my arms around the whole idea at times - given our lack of prior experience, background etc.... it can feel sort of random or daunting that this is how we've ended up - I even find myself worrying what others might think (so silly!). Who we think we are, or who we knew ourselves to be, is not necessarily who we will become. I have always had a passion for animals, and adored cowgirl boots, though I had no prior equestrian ties. The more honest I am with myself however, the more I find myself fitting into a groove that has always been there, and the more our life seems to come together. Let 2020 be a year of bravery, greater growth and learning, and accomplishment. --- Okay, that's the end of my ramblings.
Our new homestead is working out beautifully thus far, and we're quickly settling into place. We are surprising ourselves at how fast it is coming together, even though there's still a fair amount of work (unpacking, trailering, discarding, etc.) left to do (don't get me wrong though, we are TIRED). This time around, we really had our minds made up about the spaces in advance, so it didn't take us long to pull the vision together. We also had ZERO renovations to do this go round (woot, woot!).
We've been enjoying hikes on the weekends and look forward to seeing the place through all the changing seasons.

We've got some big, big plans:
Barn Raisin' - Our current structures are ok for our livestock... but the way we want to expand, we're really going to need something that better suits everyone and their equipment. It's time to get hot on barn plans. We'll have to clear our acres some first, but over the next year, our goal will be to raise up a barn that will make our work more efficient and comfortable for all. We look forward to putting ourselves to the real test, taking on cattle and horses. Now accepting volunteer ranch hands!
Naturally Fed Pond - we have some swamp area on our lot, which gives us the opportunity to dig out a naturally fed pond, which won't require a filter and pump this time. Way easier to maintain, healthier, and a tad more picturesque to boot.
We're likely going to have to take a season off from gardening (though this stings a bit - which reminds me... we need bees!) and by that I mean we will probably still do some herbs and small things in the greenhouse, but there are just too many other items on our plate to squeeze that project in this Spring, too. We did gain two mature apple trees, so we will definitely make use of those, and during some of our walks, we've identified what looks to be a large amount of wild blueberry bushes. We'll focus on foraging until we can get a steady veggie garden going again.
Later this winter we will tap new maple trees and plan on sugaring for syrup for our annual Maine Maple Sunday (sometimes Saturday) tradition - a great way to mark that Spring is on the way.
Until then, if you're looking for us, we'll probably be out back with the chainsaw...
Happy New Year to all!