Fluttering butterfly wings have turned to floating autumn leaves on a crisp breeze. Fall has arrived, and it is a welcome slow down for life here on the farm.

This summer was epic - the Homestead Husband, with help from The Ranch Team (family and friends) hustled to build a dream barn - with little to no experience a lot of the time - so our ranch vision could come to life.
As things turn colder, we are now able to shift into some downtime and begin to enjoy the fruits of our labor. It's amazing how much of a relief it is to have a sturdy fence, and sound structure for our animals to dwell. While not complete yet, it has already added functionality and ease to our processes, and increased enjoyment in our hobbies. That being said, life never really comes to a complete stop here at the ranch...

Come the Fall months, it's time for us to ensure we have enough seasoned wood cut and stacked, pick the last of the hardy fruits (pears and apples), plant garlic or Spring bulbs, deworm and vaccinate our herd, and winterize any equipment around the property. We're also still working on the barn interior, and doing some Fall clean up in preparation for holiday photos on the farm (stay tuned for a photo reveal!). The rhythm of the changing seasons and needs of each keeps us going, and continually looking forward to all that there is to come.

Looking ahead, we'll be building a new veggie garden, processing wool and yarn from our sheep, taking trail rides on horseback, giving our pups a place to run off leash, and clearing more of our heavily wooded property for pasture land as we work towards the possibility of trying our hand at raising beef cattle.
Farming, agriculture, and these nature and animal related hobbies in general have really lead us to a life of fulfillment. While it has been work, and will continue to require maintenance, we're working to quickly setting ourselves up so this phase of building will be behind us. We look forward to sharing more of it with our followers as we go along in hopes that it brings you some smiles, too.

Now, looking back, it's hard for me to believe that we're finally here - we got it done. We worked ourselves silly at times to make it a reality. Dreams can come to fruition if you are willing to put in the effort required. Some days we felt like it was impossible, wanted to quit - some days we did in fact call it completely - but, we stayed committed, and that has made all the difference. Life is short - you should live it to the maximum capacity, and give yourself the opportunity to try... You never know how soon you'll be looking back from the finish line, and forward into a new phase of life.
Photo Credit: Haze Photography, Maine