Jul 17, 20203 min

Farm Fresh Fitness

Fitness in farming and ranching is important, but maybe not always discussed... We get busy with chores and schedules, and especially with working day jobs and parenting, it is very easy to put yourself and your nutrition last, grabbing a bite of something quick here or there. It is awfully difficult to throw down some hay or chase a chicken (or a toddler), if you're running around on just afterthoughts. So, here's my little PSA to remember to make sure you are fueling yourself with good things first. We are what we eat, so make certain that your consumption serves you [insert here: reminder for myself to ignore french fry cravings more regularly...].

^Blueberries on our property this year.

There's a great segment on Real Ag Radio (www.RealAgriculture.com) that covers the topic of agricultural fitness in depth - it's called "Fit Farmer" and you can listen online for inspiration, or on Sirius XM Radio.

It could be argued though, that we are actually what we consume - beyond just food. We are what we do, listen to, and participate in. We'll always applaud healthy eating, but it has also become increasingly evident to us that we must make healthy choices in various other aspects of our lives, too.

With all that we have been experiencing as a community during this pandemic, and in our personal lives, wellness has become very important to us - having a sound mind and body - which translates to better livelihood for our animals, too. When we are in shape, we are more able to keep up with chores, put less stress on our horses when riding, and find increased motivation. We also want to keep doing this lifestyle for as long as we are able, so creating healthy habits is key.

During this pivotal time, we have begun to offer affordable yoga classes for all skill levels at our ranch, on a weekly basis!

Classes are lead by local certified yogi, Emily Gaddis.

Emily has been practicing for over 17 years and when she isn't teaching yoga, she works in produce gardens that provide healthy food options to a program called, Gather - a local company that, "serves those in our community experiencing hunger by providing nutritious food through innovative distribution programs and our Pantry Market. We offer nutrition education and recipes for healthy living. We collaborate with community partners to address the root causes of hunger throughout the Seacoast in NH and ME".

Needless to say, we are super duper proud to be working with such an awesome individual!

So far, we have sold out every class! We are beyond thrilled with the outcome, and look forward to offering additional special classes for increased participation. We are planning to continue our outdoor yoga by our pond as long as the warm weather will allow.

It is our hope to continue offering other wellness based classes and activities here at our ranch as time goes on (we are open to new ideas if anyone wants to reach out!). This place has brought us so much pleasure and peace - sharing that with our community makes our hearts happy.

Follow along on our Facebook Page to find out more!


For more information on hunger assistance in the seacoast area through Gather visit them online or contact them here:


Email: info@gathernh.org

Phone: 603-436-0641

Facebook Messenger: @GatherNH
