Dec 7, 20212 min

Christmas for Cowboys

Christmas came early with the addition of cattle on the ranch, but we've been busy working on another festive project, too!

With the barn and pond done, the cabin brought back to life with fresh stain, and the herd complete, we're excited to share all the spit shine & hard work that's paid off, with Country Rustic Magazine!

Country Rustic (originally Mercantile Gatherings) has been a nationwide publication since 2004.

"The country comfort and joy of Country Rustic Magazine, where we open the door to country, rustic, antique, primitive and farmhouse-style home décor."

The Magazine has been featured in Kroger, Barnes & Nobel, and Michaels as well as many boutique rustic and primitive decor stores.

We will be sharing with them, the Holidays at Harper Homestead for publication in their winter 2022 issue - something to look forward to in the coming year!

Photo: Kate Michaud Photography

Making our house a home is very important to me, and we like to add a lot of sentimental touches. I am looking forward to sharing those with all of you!

It feels rewarding to be able to showcase our sanctuary, here on the ranch, especially during the holiday season. After working so hard through our first home renovation and then meticulously planning for our new spaces here, I feel I have learned quite a lot about design and style - especially, that it needs to come from the heart. I am very proud to have the opportunity to put it on display (though I am quite feverishly blushing while typing this). I genuinely love decorating - interior and exterior design - and doing so creatively (champagne taste, budlight budget) without forsaking authenticity.

^me, feeling maximum level of glamorous & excitement for the opportunity.

Photo: Haze Photography

I hope you'll stay tuned to see how it all turns out & read about some of our favorite pieces and collections!

You can find updates, magazine subscriptions, and other goodies on the Country Rustic website and Facebook or Instagram pages!
